Monday, December 21, 2009

What would the 'Sex and the City' girls wear to brave the cold?





With piles of snow right on my doorstep, I am faced with the option that I have to stay at home all day. I curdle up watching Sex and the City (season 6) and I wonder what the four girls would wear on a day like today.


Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

These coats are great, you've got their styles down to a tee!

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

Bet you are waiting till the next movie comes out! Looks like should be fun, lots of 80's clothes in flashbacks for the girls.

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

Looks like you are quick to see the new movie coming out next May! Should be excellent with 80's clothes as the girls will flashback in some scenes. :)