Monday: Chanel Rouge Allure autumn lipsticks.

Tuesday: Little bouquet of happiness.

Wednesday: Hmmm... trying to come up with a fabulous pear-recipe. Any ideas?

Thursday: Blogging about my brioche.

Friday: Vogue Paris October.

Saturday: Beachclub festival.

Sunday: Resting endlessly.

How was everyone's week?
Warmest regards,

Looks like you had a great week! I was at a photo course and had a wonderful time!
Love, Kristin
I had a crazy back-to-school week :(
Looks like a fabulous week, indeed! I've taken a couple of months off from blogland because of moving home and studio, but I'm BACK this week with the Season Premiere of the Fall Season of the Blog ... come drop by! Happy Autumn to you!
Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou
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