After a long day of walking yesterday, my legs feel like they're packing all of
those delicious pastries from yesterday so I was in the mood for a more healthy
breakfast this morning...

What went wrong?
Okay I know: it started at the bakery's counter where I was more mesmerized
by the Danish pastries than the rugbrød (Danish rye bread).
Then, there was a free sample tray on the counter from which I ate
a glazed sweet.
And, the friendly girl behind the counter told me that the croissants
were amazing... Sold!
Screw a healthy, hearty breakfast! Why go to a bakery, if you're not
going to pick up something sweet?
On to the best part of Copenhagen: Shopping!
Walking on this square, I stepped into Denmark's largest department
store, Magasin du Nord.

OWMYGOD, their shoe department is insane!! Such Pretty Ballerinas...
that's the name of the brand; Pretty Ballerinas.

They sparkled like Edward Cullen.
The cooking-floor could compete with Paris' La Grande Epicurie.

Danes love to bake. Countless of baking books :D
Too bad it's in Danish!

I bought some really beautiful items for my home.

After the high of shopping for clothes, I needed another high from sugar.
So I went to the basement level and rested at Agnes Cupcakes.

Cinnamon roll cupcake with cream cheese frosting and a mini strawberry cuppie.
So good!!
After losing way too much money in Magasin du Nord, I walked along
Europe's longest pedestrian street Strøget and stepped into another
department store called Illum. Heaven again!
I think the staircase of the store pretty much sums it up what an amazing
store it was:

Again, I am seduced by a lovely bakery counter...

To buy or not to buy, that is the question.

Haha, all in all an wonderful day here again in lovely Copenhagen.
New love-affair with this city.
Great post. Your photos have persuaded me to add Copenhagen to my must visit soon list. The amazing Danish pastries, gorgeous cupcakes and the fabulous store - definitely my kind of place.
Loved this post and it appears you gave about as much will power as I do! Those pastries look devine and the shopping! The ballet slippers are darling and the home decor store looks wonderful!
That cinnamon roll cupcake looks amazing, I would have two of those...or more ; ) xx
I just bought a Kitchen Aid in just that color, in Sweden the color is called "Hallon" (rasberry).I tried it yesterday at it was super.
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